Salatuk Prayer Time is a tool that tells you the schedules of all the daily prayers and it’ll also tell you the direction of Mecca. To do so, the app includes a compass that can help you easily locate the Qibla.
Salatuk Prayer Time includes the five main prayers of the day and their prayer times: Fajr, Shurooq, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Ishaa, all of them adjusted to their exact time of the day. This app is also equipped with a complete Hijri calendar that can help you remember the most important Muslim dates.
Salatuk Prayer Time also lets you create alerts that’ll notify you of the prayer time. This app will make sure you're never late to a prayer regardless of what you’re doing throughout your day.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
A sophisticated application
Wonderful and accurate
Omr Essam
My calls